Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Apa itu Kata Sifat?

Kata sifat atau adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda, orang, atau tempat. Kata sifat biasanya digunakan sebelum kata benda untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang sifat atau keadaan dari benda tersebut. Contoh kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris sangat penting untuk dipelajari agar kita dapat mengungkapkan pemikiran atau perasaan dengan lebih jelas dan detail.

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Umum Digunakan

1. Beautiful (cantik)Contoh kalimat: She is a beautiful girl.2. Tall (tinggi)Contoh kalimat: He is a tall man.3. Smart (cerdas)Contoh kalimat: She is a smart student.4. Funny (lucu)Contoh kalimat: He tells funny jokes.5. Hardworking (keras kerja)Contoh kalimat: She is a hardworking employee.6. Kind (baik hati)Contoh kalimat: He is a kind person.7. Lazy (malas)Contoh kalimat: She is a lazy student.8. Generous (dermawan)Contoh kalimat: He is a generous donor.9. Honest (jujur)Contoh kalimat: She is an honest friend.10. Brave (berani)Contoh kalimat: He is a brave soldier.

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Kepribadian

1. Ambitious (ambisius)Contoh kalimat: She is an ambitious entrepreneur who dreams big.2. Patient (sabar)Contoh kalimat: He is a patient teacher who always helps his students.3. Optimistic (optimis)Contoh kalimat: She is an optimistic person who believes in a better future.4. Pessimistic (pesimis)Contoh kalimat: He is a pessimistic person who always sees the negative side of things.5. Confident (percaya diri)Contoh kalimat: She is a confident speaker who can charm the audience.6. Insecure (tidak percaya diri)Contoh kalimat: He is an insecure person who doubts his own abilities.7. Outgoing (ramah)Contoh kalimat: She is an outgoing individual who loves to socialize with others.8. Introverted (pendiam)Contoh kalimat: He is an introverted person who prefers solitude over social gatherings.9. Competitive (kompetitif)Contoh kalimat: She is a competitive athlete who always strives to win.10. Cooperative (kooperatif)Contoh kalimat: He is a cooperative team player who works well with others.

Baca Juga:  Belajar Menggunakan Kata Ganti Orang Pertama dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Keadaan atau Warna

1. Bright (terang)Contoh kalimat: The sun is shining bright in the sky.2. Dark (gelap)Contoh kalimat: The room is dark without any lights.3. Spacious (luas)Contoh kalimat: The house has a spacious living room.4. Crowded (ramai)Contoh kalimat: The market is crowded with shoppers.5. Peaceful (tentram)Contoh kalimat: The park is peaceful in the morning.6. Noisy (bising)Contoh kalimat: The street is noisy with honking cars.7. Serene (tentram)Contoh kalimat: The lake is serene under the moonlight.8. Vibrant (bersemangat)Contoh kalimat: The city is vibrant with colorful lights.9. Dull (kabur)Contoh kalimat: The painting looks dull without any bright colors.10. Gloomy (muram)Contoh kalimat: The weather is gloomy with dark clouds.

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Kondisi atau Keadaan Fisik

1. Healthy (sehat)Contoh kalimat: She looks healthy after exercising regularly.2. Sick (sakit)Contoh kalimat: He feels sick with a fever and cough.3. Fit (fit)Contoh kalimat: She is fit and strong from working out at the gym.4. Unwell (tidak sehat)Contoh kalimat: He looks unwell with pale skin and tired eyes.5. Tired (lelah)Contoh kalimat: She feels tired after a long day at work.6. Energetic (energik)Contoh kalimat: He is energetic and lively in the morning.7. Lazy (malas)Contoh kalimat: She feels lazy to get out of bed on weekends.8. Active (aktif)Contoh kalimat: He is active and enjoys outdoor activities.9. Weak (lemah)Contoh kalimat: She is weak after being sick for a week.10. Strong (kuat)Contoh kalimat: He is strong and muscular from regular workouts.

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Rasa atau Emosi

1. Happy (bahagia)Contoh kalimat: She feels happy to see her family after a long time.2. Sad (sedih)Contoh kalimat: He looks sad after hearing the bad news.3. Excited (tertawa)Contoh kalimat: She is excited to go on a vacation next week.4. Nervous (gugup)Contoh kalimat: He feels nervous before giving a presentation.5. Angry (marah)Contoh kalimat: She is angry at her friend for betraying her trust.6. Surprised (terkejut)Contoh kalimat: He is surprised to see his favorite celebrity in person.7. Anxious (cemas)Contoh kalimat: She is anxious about the upcoming exam.8. Calm (tenang)Contoh kalimat: He remains calm in stressful situations.9. Depressed (depresi)Contoh kalimat: She feels depressed after a breakup.10. Confused (bimbang)Contoh kalimat: He looks confused with the complex instructions.

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Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Kualitas atau Kuantitas

1. Expensive (mahal)Contoh kalimat: The designer bag is expensive but worth the price.2. Cheap (murah)Contoh kalimat: The street food is cheap and delicious.3. Big (besar)Contoh kalimat: The elephant is big and majestic.4. Small (kecil)Contoh kalimat: The kitten is small and adorable.5. Fast (cepat)Contoh kalimat: The car is fast and can reach high speeds.6. Slow (lambat)Contoh kalimat: The turtle is slow but steady in its movements.7. Heavy (berat)Contoh kalimat: The box is heavy and requires two people to lift.8. Light (ringan)Contoh kalimat: The feather is light and floats in the air.9. Long (panjang)Contoh kalimat: The river is long and winding through the mountains.10. Short (pendek)Contoh kalimat: The pencil is short and needs to be sharpened.

Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Keadaan Cuaca

1. Sunny (cerah)Contoh kalimat: The weather is sunny and perfect for a picnic.2. Rainy (hujan)Contoh kalimat: It is rainy and gloomy outside, so bring an umbrella.3. Cloudy (berawan)Contoh kalimat: The sky is cloudy with no sign of sunshine.4. Windy (berangin)Contoh kalimat: It is windy and chilly, so wear a jacket.5. Stormy (badai)Contoh kalimat: The weather is stormy with thunder and lightning.6. Snowy (salju)Contoh kalimat: It is snowy and cold, so build a snowman.7. Foggy (berkabut)Contoh kalimat: The morning is foggy with limited visibility.8. Humid (lembab)Contoh kalimat: The air is humid and sticky in the summer.9. Dry (kering)Contoh kalimat: The weather is dry with no rain in sight.10. Hot (panas)Contoh kalimat: It is hot and sunny, so stay hydrated and wear sunscreen.

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Contoh Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menggambarkan Benda atau Tempat

1. Modern (modern)Contoh kalimat: The building has a modern design with sleek lines.2. Ancient (kuno)Contoh kalimat: The ruins are ancient and filled with history.3. Beautiful (indah)Contoh kalimat: The garden is beautiful with colorful flowers and lush greenery.4. Ugly (jelek)Contoh kalimat: The graffiti on the wall is ugly and vandalized.5. Clean (bersih)Contoh kalimat: The kitchen is clean and well-organized.6. Dirty (kotor)Contoh kalimat: The alley is dirty with trash and debris.7. Spacious (luas)Contoh kalimat: The room is spacious with plenty of space to move around.8. Cramped (sesak)Contoh kalimat: The studio apartment is cramped with limited space.9. Peaceful (tentram)Contoh kalimat: The beach is peaceful with the sound of waves crashing.10. Noisy (bising)Contoh kalimat: The city is noisy with honking cars and bustling crowds.


Dengan memahami contoh kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris, kita dapat lebih mudah mengungkapkan pemikiran, perasaan, atau deskripsi tentang suatu benda, orang, atau tempat. Kata sifat memberikan warna dan detail pada kalimat-kalimat kita sehingga pemahaman pembaca menjadi lebih jelas dan mendalam. Selain itu, penggunaan kata sifat yang tepat juga dapat meningkatkan kualitas tulisan kita dan membuatnya lebih menarik. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris kita dengan belajar dan menggunakan berbagai contoh kata sifat yang ada. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu dalam memperkaya pengetahuan bahasa Inggris kita. Terima kasih!

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